Customer Testimonial – PMG Flexo2023-02-06T17:34:11+01:00

Customer Testimonial – PMG Flexo


PMG Flexo is a proud customer of ours from Brazil, who is committed to meeting the highest technical level of market demand for all segments including the packaging industries, label and tag converters, pre-press companies and individual professionals. Acting also as a services company, PMG Flexo takes care of pre-print jobs, color management and color management consulting. The Brazilian company has operations in three separate cities: Goiânia, Blumenau, and Vinhedo, and since working with HYBRID Software has experienced so much comfort for their employees to work, “with an assertiveness which HYBRID tools provide in their daily lives.”

Key takeaways

  • Own PACKZ and CLOUDFLOW and all its modules
  • Rework rate for prepress artwork was reduced to only 0.5%
  • They have experienced 70% higher productivity in prepress manager’s performance
  • Utilize CLOUDFLOW automation tools for file approvals
  • “I have yet to experience a software with so much capacity as HYBRID’s system, CLOUDFLOW”, shares Diego Mendonça, Director of Operations at PMG Flexo

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